THE LATEST NEWS AND UPDATES________________________________
Keep checking back periodically as we bring you all the latest and greatest news from our world to yours;
including where to see 'LIMBO' and when.
May 7th 2008: Limbo Has It's Day in Seattle!!
Limbo will be playing at the Seattle True Independent Film Festial on June 15th at 9:30 pm at the Central
Cinema in Seattle.Check out their website for directions and contact info.
See you all there at Seattles only full service theater with pizza and beer available. The cast and crew of the
film will be there to meet everyone and answer questions.
April 22nd 2008: New Website Design Takes Shape
We'll in honor of our film getting into the Seattle True Independent Film Festival (see below) we wanted to
bring some muchly needed change to our website. Today we proudly did just that. We also did it because
we were bored and the boss isnt around, but we don't think he'll mind.
April 17th 2008: Limbo is in....AGAIN!
Limbo is now an official selection of the 2008 Seattle True Independent Film Festival. Check out their website
for info about the festival. Read the full press release here
September 17th 2007: Limbo Is In! Are You?
Limbo, our little film that could, is an official selection of the Tacoma Film Festival for 2007.
The film will play at the Grand Cinema on Friday Oct, 5th at 10 pm after a long day of films
About the Festival:
In 2007 Tacoma will host its 2nd annual Tacoma Film Festival from October 4th to the 11th.
The Tacoma Film Festival seeks to show the best films available from independent filmmakers.
We showcase the films in several venues throughout the city of Tacoma making it a truly citywide event.
The primary hub for the festival is The Grand Cinema, Tacoma's only non-profit, art house movie theater.
Films will also be shown at the Tacoma Art Museum and the School of the Arts (SOTA) over the
weekend of October 6-7.
May 1st 2007: Hey guys Limbo will be playing at the Galaxy 6 Theater in Tacoma, Wa on June 13th and 14th.
Thats a Wednesday and a Thursday at 7:00pm. Hope you all can make it out there and take part in this
celebration of the arts.
March 4th 2007: For all of you that missed seeing Limbo at the Grand Cinema, you've got another
chance to see it at the famous Swiss Pub at 1904 S. Jefferson Ave. - Tacoma, WA. 98402 on March 25th.
It will be shown as part of a double feature with another local film about artist and actor Teddy Haggarty.
Click here to see the flier. Again March 25th, the first film starts at 7 pm and Limbo starts at 8:30 pm.
So come on down; have some drinks and food and watch come cool movies.
February 18th 2007: We would like to thank everyone who came out to the Grand Cinema saturday
to support our film, and the local community. It means so much to us that you may never know. We
here at New Empire Productions are currently working on a DVD release and a soundtrack release.
Well will let you know when we have release dates or any other info to share. In the meantime check out
a little teaser trailer for our new project Sarah Janes Road.
January 19th 2007: BIG NEWS! FANTASTIC NEWS! 'Limbo' our little film from Tacoma, Wa. is going
to get it's chance to shine. Write this down people on your calenders. Feburary 17th Limbo with have two
showings at The Grand Cinema in Tacoma,Wa. The first show is at 10 am and the second showing is at
11 pm. Admission is $5.00. We hope to see you all there. TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY!
If all things go well we will be able to have more screenings in the future. So please lend us our support,
it will be greatly appreciated.
January 18th 2007: A lot has been going on in the last four months concerning the film. We will be updating
this site as new things occur. So please bear with us as there may be broken links and unfinished pages. We
are in the process of redoing this site with all the new info we have to give. Thanks for all your emails
and support. We love you all.
August 10th 2006: 'Limbo' and New Empire Productions is sponsoring an arts event in Tacoma, Wa on
Aug. 19th to showcase local talent. There will be food, live music, art booths. To check out more in go to . Check out the site and look for our boy Joe Rosati in the live music section
as well Fear Train Caravan who contributed music to the 'Limbo' soundtrack. So we hope you all check it
out and we'll see you all there.
July 15th 2006: Not to sound like a broken record or anything, but it has been a while we have done anything
worth mentioning. But now we do, how about that? We are updating this website with a lot more information
about the company that made 'Limbo', New Empire Productions.
We are also adding what people have emailed about and that is a profiles of Joe, Mike, Nick, and Ben. You
asked and now its going to happen. It may take some time before it is all together but it will be a cool new
feature here.
We also added a few new links on the main page to find the photo gallery and a link to the new MySpace
Limbo page. It was have pics and links to this site and a trailer and the first five minutes of the film. It will
be another way for people to get exposed to it.
Lastly we added sound clips to the Sounds of Limbo page so you all can get a listen of some of the songs
we used in our film.
May 10th 2006: Its been a while since anything major has happened but don't worry things are changing.
We are adding the first five minutes of the film to watch while we get a trailer together. You can download
it from the link on the main page.
March 20th 2006: The second part of our interview is up and you all can hear it at One Man Down Productions.
March 14th 2006: The first part of the interview with the guys at One Man Down Productions is up on their
website and available for download on their site. In time there will a direct download from our site, so check
out episode 19. Enjoy!
March 4th 2006: We were interviewed by One Man Down Productions for their podcast "In The Can'. It soon
will be availiable on their website for download. We will have a link to their site and a link to the download once
it is ready, so stay tuned.
February 26th 2006: Check out the The Tacoma News Tribune today. Inside we are on the cover of the
Soundlife, or just click on this link the view the article on The Tacoma News Tribune website.
February 24th 2006: I am currently working on the 'Making of' section of the site and will be uploading quite a
few pictures that were taken by Stacy Wagoner over the summer of 2006.
Click Here to go the pics section.
February 16th 2006: The Tacoma News Tribune interviewed the cast and will be featuring an article about the
making of the movie and how it all came together. This is a great step for us because it is the largest newspaper
in the tacoma area. The article will run in the Soundlife section on February 26th 2006. Check it out or look for
link on the Who is in Limbo page.
February 4th 2006: The last two nights have been amazing. We had a nearly sold out crowd on Friday and a sold out
crowd on Thursday. It was a blast and we want to thank everyone for coming out for the screening. You all made
the last two years worth it.
February 2nd and 3rd 2006: Jazzbones (2803 6th Ave Tacoma, Wa 98405) We will be screening a nearly completed
version of the film. Please make reservations because it will be packed.
There will also be an article written about the film that will come out in the Tacoma Weekly a great local
newspaper targeting the greater Tacoma area.
January 26th 2006: We are on the cover of the Weekly Volcano, a large entertainment newspaper for the
south sound. Pick up a copy if you can or you can download a pdf version on the Who is in Limbo page.
January 2006: We have finished the majority of the editing and it looks really good. We are very excited to screen
the film at Jazzbones in a few weeks.
June 1st 2005: We are getting a great article written about the movie in the Pioneer, the Pierce College newspaper.
It's a very good article so pick up a copy if you can or download the text version or pdf format on the Who is in
Limbo page.
April 14th 2005: We started filming today at the puyallup fair. It was a small scene but it had to get done or else
we would have to rewrite the script, and no one wants to do that.