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'Making Of' Photos       Downloads    IMDB PAGE    Myspace Page

Directer & Writer: Michael Winfrey    Unit Director: Justin Peterson    Original Score: Matthew Zook    Assistant Producer: Joe Rosati    Assistant  Producer: Randy Sparks

Ernie Joseph      Melissa Goad     Jamie Saginor


             A married couple, David and Lindsey, are driving home from a weekend vacation away. They are in high spirits until a violent storm threatens

             to make their commute home a little less pleasant. As a result, traffic stops and they decided to skip the highway in favor of some back roads

             near where Lindsey grew up. But all is not right. Radio announcements warn of an escaped mental patient who is armed and

            dangerous, and Lindsey's own fear and possible insecurities from her childhood cause her to bring up the deadly ghost that is the roads name sake.


             In the torrential downpour and darkness they get lost. Stuck in the middle of nowhere in the dark and rain, they are left alone with their own

             paranoia and fear. Two basic instincts that can impair reason and cause things to go bump in the night that may or may not be there. Two basic

            instincts are all that's left on Sarah Jane Road.



             On May 17th, 2008 in Bueamont, Texas the trailer for Sarah Jane Road won top honors, in its category, at the Boomtown Film and Music Festival.

             We want to thank everyone at the Boomtown Festival for awarding us this honor; and the trophy is nice too.


             For the second time this year the trailer for our film has won! The National Broadcasting Society-AERho has awarded  

            the trailer "Best in Region" out of dozens of submissions from region 6, which consists of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, Hawaii, Montana,

             Wyoming, Arizona, Utah and Nevada.


             March 20-29, 2009 the trailer was given an honorary mention in the National Broadcasting Society's national award ceremony in New York City.


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